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Verizon Connect Integration (USA)

How to setup and use the Verizon Connect integration

Updated over 11 months ago

Whip Around integrates with Verizon Connect.  In this article we will will show you how to set up the integration and it functionality. 

  • Feature eligibility 

  • Activating Integration

  • Importing Vehicles 

  • Syncing Vehicles with Verizon

  • Displaying Verizon data

  • Updating vehicles details in Verizon system (sending vehicle's meta-data to Verizon)

Feature eligibility 

This feature is available for all paying customers (Old plans, Standard and Enterprise plans) and won't have any extra charges. This feature can be enabled/disabled by Whip Around staff (Super Admin, Sales Manager, Sales Representative, CS Representative) and Customer Admins/Owners. Manages won't be able to manage the integration but will be able to see synced data. 

Verizon Integration feature is a quick way to set up customers who have just signed up with Whip Around and don't have any vehicles yet.

Activating Integration

Important Note: To enable the Integration, a user will need Verizon integration credentials, which are unique and will NOT match the user's Verizon Connect log-in details. The fastest way to get integration credentials is to request via Verizon's self-service portal:

Once you have your Verizon integration credentials and are ready to enable the Integration, go to the Integrations Tab in Whip Around, click 'Activate' and then enter Verizon integration credentials.

If credentials are invalid, there will be a validation message:

After successful login a user will see a prompt message that Integration was activated:

Importing Vehicles 

There are 2 possible flows after the Integration was activated and after a user clicks 'Vehicles' link:

  1. Customer has one Test Vehicle in Whip Around account or no vehicles

  2. Customer has at least one paid vehicle in Whip Around account

Flow 1: Customer has one Test Vehicle in Whip Around account or no vehiclesPlease read more about test vehicles here: What is a Test Vehicle?

After a user clicks 'Vehicles', the Vehicle page shows 'Import' button.

After clicking on 'Import' button, the pop up will show the number of vehicles found in Verizon system. A user can import them:

Alternatively, a user can Cancel and create vehicles manually or via 'Bulk upload' and then sync them with Verizon. Integration badge will indicate that vehicles are synced.

Flow 2: Customer has at least one paid vehicle in Whip Around account

If a user has any paid vehicles in WA system, it means that some initial set up has already been done for that customer. Therefore, we can not reliably import data from Verizon without creating potential duplicates. In this case after a user clicks 'Vehicles' on Integration page, the Vehicle page won't show 'Import' button.

In this case a user can create vehicles via one of the following option:

  • Manually create additional vehicles to have the correct set up

  • Do a bulk upload of additional vehicles

  • Delete existing vehicles so the 'Import' button from Verizon will be shown (Note: please consider carefully this scenario as deleting customer's vehicles can lead to other data loss. This action can not be undone later!)

Syncing Vehicles with Verizon

After WA account has all the correct set up for vehicles, a user can manually sync them with Verizon. WA system will try to match vehicles with Verizon system by Vehicle Name. If the exact match is found, vehicle will display integration tag. If no match is found, vehicles will be displayed without tags. 

Ways to manually sync vehicles:

1. Sync all vehicles at the same time.

User can do it by selecting all vehicles and clicking Actions → Sync with Verizon. If sync is not successful (because there is no match by Vehicle name between WA and Verizon), error message will be shown. Vehicles that synced successfully will show an integration tag.

2. Sync vehicles individually. User can do it by selecting individual vehicle and clicking on dots icon → Sync with Verizon. If sync is not successful (because there is no match by Vehicle name between WA and Verizon), error message will be shown. If sync is successful, vehicle will show an integration tag.

3. Sync vehicles individually by Verizon vehicle number. This is useful when vehicles have different names in 2 systems but a user still wants to link them. It is possible by going to Vehicle profile page and entering Verizon vehicle number (this number can be found under Vehicle's details tab in Verizon system):

In this case the sync will be done directly by Verizon number and vehicle names can stay different. A number should be valid, otherwise a validation error will be shown. 

Displaying Verizon data

After the Integration was successfully activated, WA Customers can see Odometer reading (in miles for now) and latest GPS location on Vehicle's profile page, on the Inspections page and in PDF Inspection report. The data will be refreshed every time a user opens or refreshes these pages.

Some things to note:

  • 'Last updated' timestamp on Vehicle's profile page means last updated time in Verizon system (it is NOT the last time WA system was synced with Verizon).

  • 'Latest GPS location' on Vehicle's profile page means the latest location as registered by Verizon device installed in the vehicle. 

  • 'View GPS stamp on map' on the Inspection screen will show GPS coordinates as recorder by Driver's device at the inspection time. Verizon's coordinates will show GPS location at the time of the inspection as recorded by Verizon's device installed in the vehicle. Ideally, they should match but some slightly differences are possible.

  • Odometer reading will show exactly how we get it from Verizon. However 'Mileage' card in the inspection report will show whatever a driver has entered. 

  • All these data will be shown while the Integration is activated. Once the Integration is deactivated, Verizon's data will no longer be available on all these pages, except for PDF Inspection reports which were generated prior to deactivation. 

Updating vehicles details in Verizon system (sending vehicle's meta-data to Verizon)

If a Customer has synced vehicles, data in Verizon account will automatically be updated when the following vehicle's details are changed in WA:

  • Make

  • Model

  • Year

Deactivating Integrations

A user can deactivate the Integration at any time. To do it a user needs to click 'Deactivate' button under Integration Tab and then to confirm it on the pop up.

After deactivation, WA won't show Verizon's data anymore, except for PDF Inspection reports which were generated prior to deactivation.

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