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Bulk Invite Drivers via SMS Invite

How to bulk invite drivers to login to the mobile app via SMS.

Updated over 11 months ago

Step 1:

Navigate to the 'People' module > Drivers.

Step 2:

Select which Driver(s) you want to invite to download the mobile app. You can select drivers one by one, or if this is your first time inviting any drivers, you may want to select all.

Drivers who have not been invited yet will have a red 'Not Invited' indicator under their name.

Step 3:

Select 'Actions' > Send SMS Invite.

Step 4:

The Driver(s) will receive a text message with a link to open the Whip Around app.


If the Driver downloaded the mobile app prior to opening the link in the text message: The Driver will automatically be logged into the mobile app without the Driver needing to enter a username/password.

If the Driver has not downloaded the mobile app prior to opening the link in the text message: The link will open the Apple or Google Play Store and will prompt the Driver to download the mobile app. Then, the Driver may return to the text message and click on the link to be logged in.

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