The Assets Driver's can access in the mobile app is set via either:
Asset Assignment
Access to all Assets for Inspections company settings
Access to all Assets for Inspections
If you simply wish for all your Drivers to have access to all Assets then you can switch this on as a company setting.
Click here for steps to turn on Access to all Assets.
Every asset within a Team will be accessible on the mobile app for all the Drivers within that team (unless they have been individually assigned Assets).
Click here for more information on how Teams work.
Asset Assignment
You can individually assign Assets to Drivers to control exactly what Assets they see in the App.
Click here to see how to individually Assign Assets
What the Driver see's on the mobile app.
Once you have configured Asset access via the above options this is what your Drivers will see in the App:
Driver with Access to all Assets for Inspection turned on
They will see 3 tabs on the mobile app:
Recent (Their 3 most recently inspected Assets)
My Assets (All the Assets from their Team + any Assets they have been individually assigned)
All Assets (All Assets of the companies)
Driver in a Team with no individual Asset assignment
They will see 2 tabs on the mobile app:
Recent (Their 3 most recently inspected Assets)
My Assets (All the Assets from their Team)
Driver with individual Asset assignment
They will see 2 tabs on the mobile app:
Recent (Their 3 most recently inspected Assets)
My Assets (All the Assets from their Team + any Assets they have been individually assigned)