Edit a Work Order
To update or edit a Work Order, select the 'WO-####'. You can either select a work order from the defects tab or the Work Orders tab under Maintenance.
You will be taken into the Work Order details. You can edit any items that have a pencil icon next to them.
Work Order Name (You can change this to match your invoicing system).
Due Date
Assigned Mechanic
Mark a vehicle in/out of service
Update Services on the Work Order
You can also add 'comments' or 'documents/photos' for each line item of the Work Order by selecting the Type/ID.
You can add additional service line items that need to be added to this Work Order by selecting '+ Add' As well as update the labor and parts costs associated to the Work Order.
Mark the Work Order as Complete
Once you have updated all the service details you will see an updated Cost Summary and a completion box that enables you to enter:
Engine Hours
Click 'Complete W.O.' button to complete the Work Order.
Once the Work Order is marked as complete, the defect or service schedule associated with the Work Order will be marked as corrected/completed. If you marked the vehicle 'Out of Service', make sure to update the status when completing the work order.
Downloading a Work Order to PDF
At any stage, you can download a Work Order to PDF by clicking the 'Download PDF' button in the top right of any Work Order.