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How To Select an Asset to Inspect

[For Drivers] How to choose which vehicle to inspect on the mobile app.

Updated over 10 months ago


Drivers, Fleet Managers, Fleet Admins

Applies to

Mobile App


Free Trial, Basic, Standard (Inspect), Pro (Maintain)

The first step to successfully complete an inspection is to select the correct asset to inspect.

Check the following ways in which you can select your asset to inspect:

After selecting the correct asset, the application will redirect you to select a form from the list of forms available to that asset.

Select it from 'Recent' tab

After successfully logging on to the mobile application. You will automatically land on the 'Recent' Assets tab for quick access to your most recent vehicles.

You can scroll up or down on the list to find the asset you need, then click the 'Select Asset' button on the bottom of your screen.

Select it from “My Assets” tab

The 'My Assets' tab, will show you all the vehicles your manager has assigned to you.

You can scroll up or down on the list to find the asset you require. Click the 'Select Asset' button on the bottom of your screen.

Select one from 'All' tab

The 'All' tab will show you all the vehicles in your company's Whip Around account.

You can scroll up or down on the list to find the asset you require. Click the 'Select Asset' button on the bottom of your screen.

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