Step 1:
Under the 'People' module > select 'Teams'.
Step 2:
To edit the Team, select the 'arrow icon' on the Team Name.
Step 3:
Add or Delete Managers from the Team
Note: Managing a Team means this user can edit this team details and receive fault notifications. Following a Team means this user can only view the team details and receive fault notifications.
Add or Edit Drivers on the Team
To change the Driver's team membership, select 'Change Team'. If a Driver needs access to Assets in other teams, you can assign the driver access to multiple Assets.
Note: Drivers can only be members of one team at a time.
Assign or Change Assets on the Team
Assets can only be assigned to one team at a time. If you want to reassign the asset, select 'Change Team'. Otherwise, selecting 'Delete Asset' will remove it from Whip Around completely.
Note: Assets are required to be assigned to a Team.
Delete a Team
Note: If a Team is deleted, all Drivers and Assets associated will be assigned to your default Team.