The Whip Around 'Defects' module enables you to manage the faults flagged by your drivers in the field.
This article will give you an overview of how to navigate through the Defects module.
You can access the 'Defects' module by logging in here.
Look for the Maintenance module from the menu on the left, then click on the 'Defects' tab.
Across the top there are two options, Current Faults and Completed Faults.
The current faults are 'NEW' faults that have not been looked at and 'IN PROGRESS' faults that are currently being worked on.
To open a fault, you can click on the 'Defect ID' or the arrow '→' on the right of the fault you want to view.
Once you open the fault, you will be provided the following details:
Defect ID
Driver Comment
Mechanic (if assigned)
Work Order
Date Created
Last Updated
Inspection Form
Defect Card
Inspection ID
You can view and add comments that are all time and date stamped for compliance (bottom right). Change the status of the fault (top right). Assign to an internal or external mechanic OR create a work order (middle left), and upload documents against the fault like receipts (upper right).