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Inspection History Overview

How to track, review and export previous inspections in Whip Around

Updated over 5 months ago

In this article

  1. Organize your view of Inspections History
    Whip Around makes it easy to organize the page view according to your personal requirements.

    To select the columns, click the “columns” button and select four or more checkboxes pertaining to the columns you want displayed.

There needs to be a minimum of four columns displayed at one time.

2. Set filters to segment your selection

Leave the filter on "All," or choose to segment the list of Inspections according to the priority of whether they "Failed" or "Passed."

Choose whether you want to see all inspections from "All teams" or select specific teams set up according to your company to filter through.

There's also an option to filter by time period.

Or you can select a custom date using the calendar function.

3. Set custom filters to search for specific Inspection reports more efficiently

Set the customized filters from available filters to get to specific inspection reports faster.

Depending on the filters, we support different operators.

If the filter is text or number, we support following operators -

  • Contains

  • Equals

  • Is empty

  • Is not empty

If the filter is a date , we support following filters -

  • Is

  • Is not

  • Is after

  • Is on or after

  • Is before

  • Is on or before

  • Is empty

  • Is not empty

If the filter is a boolean (true/false), the supported operator is ‘is’

4. Search for specific Inspection reports
There are two ways to find specific reports. Choose to do this after narrowing down the list using filters if you know those parameters, or use the search function or scroll through the pages.

​Use the search bar
Enter keywords or the exact name of the Inspection report you're looking for into the search bar.

​Use the pagination capability

Choose from how many rows per page you want to display

  1. Review Inspections
    Select which Inspection Report you'd like to review by selecting the inspection ID.

    *Notice that any Forms, Assets or Drivers that have been deleted after an Inspection was completed will say (deleted), but can still be viewed.

    Within the report, you can see all answers submitted by the Driver and additional time/date/GPS stamp on the report. You can navigate between Asset or Driver Wellness related questions (for Forms using Driver Wellness questions).

    You can view failed Inspection Reports and see exactly which cards were failed by a red fail icon on the card. If a Defect has not yet been corrected, you will see a red description of the item on the failed card. You can select the red description hyperlink to be taken into the Defect details page.

    Once a Defect has been corrected, the description will change to a green hyperlink and the Mechanic's signature will be posted (if required on the Form's settings). Correcting a failed Defect on an Inspection will not update the Inspection status to 'Passed', Inspection statuses cannot be updated after the inspection is submitted.

    Note: Admins and Owners can also edit an Inspection report.
    However, only the following details can be amended:
    • Asset
    • Driver
    • Date Inspected
    • Time Inspected

Export Inspection History reports

Choose to export all previous inspections or select one or multiple Inspections to export a CSV file or Excel spreadsheet Inspection History report.

Tick the check box, click on the arrow icon and select "Download PDF" to export a single report.

Select the checkboxes, and click the “Export” button to export only the selected Inspections.

To export all inspection reports, click the Export button and choose the file format you wish to export.

Note: If you need more assistance, reach out to one of our helpful Customer Success Managers via the chat at the bottom right of this screen.

Learn more about Inspection reports, forms and Exception reports in the articles below:

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